
ofxTweener is the missing tween class for open frameworks. It's implementation is much like AS3's Tweener and TweenMax. It uses a single, static tweenclass that controls all tweens using references. That means that there's no need to update the individual vars.



ofxTweener works with OF 0.06 and 0.07. It has been tested on OSX 10.6~7 and Windows as well. The included example is a Xcode 4 OF 0.07 project.

Example Code

// simple fast implementation
Tweener.addTween(position.x, ofRandom(1024), 5);
Tweener.addTween(position.y, ofRandom(768), 5);

// custom ease
Tweener.addTween(position.x, ofRandom(1024), 5, &ofxTransitions::easeOutElastic);
Tweener.addTween(position.y, ofRandom(768), 5, &ofxTransitions::easeOutElastic);

// adding delay
Tweener.addTween(position.x, ofRandom(1024), 5, &ofxTransitions::easeOutElastic, 1);
Tweener.addTween(position.y, ofRandom(768), 5, &ofxTransitions::easeOutElastic, 0.5);

// bezier tweening
Tweener.addTween(position.x, ofRandom(1024), 1, &ofxTransitions::easeOutCubic, 0, 1024/2);
Tweener.addTween(position.y, ofRandom(768), 1, &ofxTransitions::easeOutCubic, 0, 768/2);


The source code is available for download at GitHub, here: ofxTweener